Sunday, December 12, 2004

Hello, I'm Scotty.

Hello everyone, my name is Scotty, and I have decided to use this as a place to put some daily experiences, and whatever else I feel like doing. Some things will be on here regularly. Things like the daily deer report (I see tons of the walking road hazards every night on my way home from work/school), what the weather is like here (near North Vernon IN) each day, some kind of rant, and something good that happened to me or that I heard about. You will see in my writings that I have varied interests, but I'll leave you to make up your own mind about me.

Rant of the day:
I work as a truck driver for K and J trucking , where I haul anywhere from 5,000 to 6,500 newspapers per night, and sometimes during the day too, so I spend alot of time on the road. I am amazed at the way some people drive. Tonight on my way back from Indianapolis on I-65 I had the cruise control on the truck set at about 70 mph. The truck I drive at night is smaller than the day run truck since the papers are in carts. This truck (Hino 165) is very under powered for a vehicle the size that it is, so it takes a while for me to get up to cruising speed, and if I am going up hill or into the wind I can't even get it to go 70.
Tonight I was minding my own business, listening to Coast to Coast AM (a radio talk show about everything from UFOs, the paranormal, and government conspiracies to science and medicine) when someone in a minivan decided they wanted to pass me, then get right in front of me and slow down. They did this repeatedly for 30 miles. Each time they did it I either had to get in the other lane and pass them, or if there was traffic there to slow way down so I wouldn't hit them. Sometimes I wish I had a button that I could push to cause a persons vehicle to die and go to the side of the road.
Why do people do things like that? Do they not realize that a 24,000 pound vehicle will flatten their car? I wish I was in charge of giving drivers licenses.

Good thing of the day:
I stopped at the Waffle Steak (Waffle House for anyone outside of Indiana) for dinner tonight, as I do most nights on my way up to the Star. The people there are friendly, and the service is quick. I ordered a lighter than normal meal since I was running a little late, and didn't want to have to wait for my usual meal to be cooked. The cook was working on an order when I came in, but the person who ordered it changed their mind. Since it was the same as my usual order the cook gave it to me free of charge rather than waste it, so I got my normal meal, and still made it in time. That show what being a good customer who tips the waitresses decently will get for you.

Freakin' cold. I really hate winter. Today it was in the mid 30's all day, and it was cloudy (as usual here lately) . We even had a few snow showers and a bit of cold rain too. I am beginning to think the sun will never come back to Indiana.

Dail deer report:
15 of the suckers tonight. Why do deer think roads a great places to hang out? I know 3 people who have hit deer in the past few months. I guess that's what full coverage insurance is for, but since I usually drive a convertable I do not want to whack a deer. I would hate to have one land on the top of my car, especially with me in it.

That's all for tonight. Visit my regular site if you get the chance. It's and don't forget to sign my guestbook.


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