Thursday, December 16, 2004

I missed posting yesterday.......... I'll do both days worth today. I had a final exam in one of my classes yesterday (OLS 252), and one today (Spanish). I think I did fairly well on the one yesterday and really good on the one today. I still had to go to work with taking finals, but I have to make money somehow. When I got to the star tonight I saw one of the most messed up games of chess ever. There were two supervisors and two other drivers helping one of the drivers against the other, and the driver doing it on his own (actually the game was taken over by another driver when the first started to get papers) still won!!! I had some pretty good music on in the truck tonight, so I was jamming pretty good (you never want to hear me sing). Traffic was also pretty light on the highway tonight. Other than it being really cold (which I don't like) I had a decent day. Tomorrow it's supposed to get to a blistering (insert sarcasm here) 45 degrees, so I am going to work on my cars. I have to put a thermostat in one since the old thermostat stuck open leaving me with no heat, and on the other one I have to put a coolant temperature sensor and a crankshaft position sensor. I also have to go and take some pictures of a few cars for a guy so I can make him some flyers for them and also get them in the trader too. I hope he gets them sold so I can get some commission. I like commission. $$$$$$ I also need to sell a couple of my own cars too. I may have my Nissan Altima sold on Sunday *crosses fingers* but I still need to sell some more of my own cars. I would love to get all but the two I drive sold. Well, it's late (regardless of what the post time shows it's after 3:30 here), so I will get to the rest of the stuff.

Rant of the day:
SUVs. Why is it that when someone gets into an SUV their IQ drops? I drive roughly 2500 miles per week with my job and school, so I see lots of things on the road. I see more single vehicle accidents involving SUVs than all other vehicles combined! They either drive too slow, too fast (high profile vehicles have crappy handling), or a combination of the two. I am far more likely to see an SUV driver reading, writing, or on their laptop computer while driving than drivers of any other type of vehicle (I drive a truck, so I sit real high). Another thing is that SUV drivers are far more agressive on the road than other drivers. One thing I really hate is when I am trying to make a right hand turn in my car and someone in an SUV pulls up and blocks my view. I haven't noticed people who drive things like vans, pickups, and cars doing this, but most SUV drivers do. This is one of the few places I would agree with tree huggers. GET RID OF SUVs!!!!!

Good thing of the day:
Relaxing with friends. I had a nice time going to Fazolis after my final exam in spanish with a couple of classmates. We are going to get together during the break to meet at one of their houses to play cards and talk. It is relaxing to hang out and socialize.

It only got to 28 degrees yesterday, and it was 14 when I got home at midnight, so I know it got colder. Today it was up to 36 here, and it was 17 less than an hour ago. The car I drove tonight (heat works in it) has leather seats. Non heated leather seats. Do you have any idea how cold leather can get? I really can't wait untill spring.

Daily deer report:
11 last night, and only 4 tonight. Since it's hunting season here I think some of them may be hiding. As long as they don't whack my car they can do what they want to do.

Goodnight everyone. Get some sleep!! ;)


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