I love payday, but............
...........when I went in to get my check the boss was griping about the fact that I drive faster than 60 mph on I-65. The speed limit is 65 (yes, I know IN has really sucky speed limits), so I usually drive between 70 and 75. The boss thinks that there is a huge difference in fuel usage between 60 and 65 mph, but there isn't. I only use 1 1/2 gallons more diesel on a 200 mile trip than he does, and I drive 15 mph faster!!! Ohh well, what he don't know don't hurt, and since I get paid salary and not hourly I want to get done as soon as I can. I changed the thermostat in my sunbird today, but I still don't have much in the way of heat, so I guess it must be the heater core. I knew it was partially clogged, but I didn't want to have to tear apart the bottom of the dash to get to it. I guess if I want heat I wll have to though. And now *drumroll* for what you have been waiting for, the nightly stuff!!!
Rant of the day:
Telemarketers who somehow got my cell phone number. How did they get that?!?! They all need to just go away.
Good thing of the day:
A good vocabulary. Even though you may not believe it by reading my posts here I do have a decent vocabulary. My sister and her best friend found that out today when they finally got me to play Scrabble with them. I took 'em down. Really hard.
It made it to the mid 40's today, and when I got in at 3:10 this morning it was 27. That's alot better than it has been, and much better than it is supposed to be on Sunday and Monday. The sun was out today, and there wasn't much wind, so it wasn't too bad for this time of year.
Daily deer report:
8 tonight. They were looking at me with their beady little eyes, just dareing me to drive a little faster. I almost hit one deer on the way home. It was in the middle of the road as I came around a curve at the bottom of a hill. There is a decent straightaway right after you cross the river and come around the curve there, so I usually nail it. Tonight Bambi decided he wanted to stand there, so I had to slam on my brakes. The thing stood there and stared at me! I had to wait until it decided to walk out of the road. I have noticed that deer aren't afraid of cars too much here.
Well, that's all tonight. I'm going to bed, so goodnight.
Rant of the day:
Telemarketers who somehow got my cell phone number. How did they get that?!?! They all need to just go away.
Good thing of the day:
A good vocabulary. Even though you may not believe it by reading my posts here I do have a decent vocabulary. My sister and her best friend found that out today when they finally got me to play Scrabble with them. I took 'em down. Really hard.
It made it to the mid 40's today, and when I got in at 3:10 this morning it was 27. That's alot better than it has been, and much better than it is supposed to be on Sunday and Monday. The sun was out today, and there wasn't much wind, so it wasn't too bad for this time of year.
Daily deer report:
8 tonight. They were looking at me with their beady little eyes, just dareing me to drive a little faster. I almost hit one deer on the way home. It was in the middle of the road as I came around a curve at the bottom of a hill. There is a decent straightaway right after you cross the river and come around the curve there, so I usually nail it. Tonight Bambi decided he wanted to stand there, so I had to slam on my brakes. The thing stood there and stared at me! I had to wait until it decided to walk out of the road. I have noticed that deer aren't afraid of cars too much here.
Well, that's all tonight. I'm going to bed, so goodnight.
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