Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back to school

Today is the first day of school for this semester. Ohh boy, what fun. I did have a fairly busy summer this year. I had surgery, then recovery from surgery, and through it all I have been busy trying to fight with the place I got my home. Can you believe even though I put up my land and money in mid March, and closed the deal on April 1st (what an April fools day for me) I still don't have a driveway yet? I will tell anyone who will listen NOT to go to Baird's Homes in Seymour IN. It took them until late June to even get the place liveable.

Back to school so far has been going pretty smoothly for me. I am seeing people I have not seen through the summer, renewing old acquaintances, and getting to see the new building at my school. I have a good feeling about this semester. It would go better if they could fix the parking, but I guess I need the exercise. If I could get a personal parking spot near the building that would be great. At least I don't have to pay for parking this year.

Well, I need to get to my next class. I really do plan on trying to get updated more.

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